After a misty day all of Saturday, Sunday turned out to be beautiful. Clear sky, sun shining, no wind. Alistair turned up at 9am as usual, with Justin arriving half an hour later.

We all got stuck into the chicken run extension (naming rights anyone???) and managed to push it through to meet up with the quad bike track (formerly known as the 4WD track). Absolutely awesome work by everyone! The track needs a bit more benching and grooming with Colin’s section still under development, but it is looking fantastic.

In the week since we got the trees from the ECan grant (all 547 of them!) we have managed to plant about 100 of them. If anyone wants to come out and help plant some trees at any point, let us know. The sooner we get them in, the quicker we will be biking through native bush.


14 June 2009