Well that brings a close to 2015, and another very successful year at that.
Plenty more trails, plenty more trees and a lot more visitors, it is all going swimmingly.
Thanks again to all the helpers and supporters who help and contribute to help make this mad crazy scheme all happen.
We have doubled our starter loop, we have three tracks that connect our lower and upper trail networks, have put 6 bridges over the creek in order to keep your feet dry over winter.
And at the close of the year we are extremely close to having another track which will give us another bigger loop and have sweet tracks on each side of the creek.
Expect more in 2016, we already have the little yellow digger teed up for extending the climb, a proposed downhill track and plenty more hand built magic.
You should come out and check it out over Summer, contact us to gain access to the park.
We dig and maintain trails each and every Tuesday and Saturday, contact us to help.
Here are a few photos from the last month or so.
May your Wheels Remain Forever True.
Mr Haven