So I’ve been a bit slack on the web front and the digging front – Mr Haven has been officially banned from digging until he gets his dodgy digits fixed. But the park is looking and riding really well.

Ali and I scoped out a new track – Give it a Go – and you will see I took some preliminary photos, he has continued on, of course, and has pretty much finished it!!

The long long long long autumn has meant that whilst we are dry, the riding is super. The great news is that the new loop should be fairly winter-proof particularly with the new bridges across the creek in place taking away the biggest hazard.

Lots of exciting plans to come to fruition shortly. It’s our ten year birthday in 13 days, so stay tuned on Facebook and here for lots of information and fun stuff.

It’s annual subs time, $15 for an individual, $20 for a family for a WHOLE year’s access to the park!

Check out the awesome drone video footage of parts of the park – it’s looking super!

Video One:

Video Two:

Here be some photos of the place as well.


Don’t forget we have a B&B&B and it will be open all winter too! Mr Haven is happy to take people round the park if needed as well. Check it out here >>

See you soon
Mr Haven

February – April Update