Happy New Year!
It’s been a funny ole summer so far, plenty of rain, plenty of cold, plenty of sun, but also plenty of trail building and maintenance. Not as much riding as I would like though!
We’ve finished Squeeze On In, our newest trail, and it’s going to be super duper fun. With all the recent rain and sun, we should be able to open the trail in the not too distant future.
We now have some sweet singletrack on both sides of the creek, which will form the basis of our starter loop, with plenty of other options.
Lots of work has been done beating back Spring, taming back the top slope, cutting back overhanging branches and stuff, as well as the spraying and mowing of the trail network.
A warning that our number one hazard – Onga Onga – New Zealand Native stinging nettle is in full flight and is prevalent on the entire property but it particularly likes the creek. We work hard to ensure the trail corridor is clear of it, but you will encounter it if you go exploring. It is evil shit, don’t let it touch you. Here is some more info
Great news is that the broom beetle bug is doing it’s thing and there is significant die back on our resident broom population, the catch is we are and will continue to get broom droop over the tracks, so a timely reminder to take it easy on your first lap of the place.
We have a host of native bird life with heaps of bell birds, wood pigeons and fantails, we have just had a wee family of magpies move in, so will look to send them to heaven shortly.
We are now planning out new tracks and riding them of course!
Here are some pretty pictures.
See you soon
Mr Haven