Winter whilst wet this season has and continues to be great for digging.

However, the last couple of weekends have been perfectly dry, no wind or rain, the dirt has been fluffy and the spades have been flying through the air,  saws and loppers singing.

Other than the usual chores, we have had a couple of trees down across the tracks that have now been tidied up thanks to Col and his plethora of chainsaws. Grass has been beaten back down to submission and it’s super to see a multitude of tyre tracks adorning the tracks.

We have also had great success with our hand built trail building. AliTrack is pretty much done, we are letting it season for a bit before going back and installing some drains and a wee bit more work on some corners. But all that finishing work can wait for a month or so.

We have also made the decision to complete The Muur which we started with the digger but will finish by hand. We’ve used our experience and a lot of luck to build a lot of great track in such a short amount of time.

Here are a few shots of progress. Doesn’t it look superb!

Ali working hard on the corner that transitions from digger built track to hand built!
Here are a few teaser shots of one of the traverses, nice and long with plenty of interest and scenery!

Here are a few before and after shots – all in an afternoon’s work!

1. Breaking out of a corner – cutting through the vine and trees and bramble


2. Traversing – thataway somewhere…

3. More and More Traversing – definitely thadaway!

4. Traversing – she just keeps on keeping on

5 – Still Traversing – but we had to bluff our way past this cliff (geddit?? hur hur)

And then we bust out of the broom and into the woodlot just around the bend is the site for the corner

Corner! Hard to believe that 3 hours earlier this was all big ugly gorse and millions of horrible vines to cut through – it will be a corner in another week or so and you will be riding it in a couple of months.

And that ends this month’s picture show – we hope you enjoyed. Come out and give us an hour or so of your time, you certainly appreciate trails after helping out!

We are quietly confident that we will have both The Muur and AliTrack ready to go for Summer – giving us two great options to connect the Upper and Lower Trail networks.

Check us out
Mr Haven

June Dig Day