Whilst this Winter has certainly had a lot less rain than last year (yay for no slips, not so yay for less water in the tanks) we got another good dumping of snow in early August.
Left Over Snow towards Gebbies Valley |
Chook with Cold Feet |
We had much more snow than July but it quickly washed away when the snow turned to rain, we were secretly pleased as I wouldn’t want to be stuck up the hill for days on end in icy conditions. We had prepared for the worst by having one car at the bottom of the drive and the Quad Bike loves snow….
The August Dig Day was dominated by finishing up the berms from when Mr Haven had dumped fresh soil with the digger, trail maintenance and opening up the trail corridor. Ground conditions are a bit damp in places, but the spraying Lisa did mid-Winter is still looking great.
Close up Gebbies Pass |
Close Up Haven |
We are now watching great voluminous clouds of pine pollen explode from the trees around the valley and coating everything.
As spring is rapidly approaching we haven begun releasing the natives that are still too small to take on the grass and replacing any that didn’t make it. Fortunately we are still having an incredibly low failure rate.
The first of our natives are big enough to have had babies and we having been potting up heaps of seedlings and also potting seeds eco-sourced for our own nursery. We continue to be supported by Trees for Canterbury, our friends and family. We don’t say no to any natives!
Looking forward to another great summer of planting, digging and riding, with slightly less seismic activity thanks!
Mr Haven