Well I promised some photos last time so here goes!
Key news is that the tracks are all open, bar Project G, and are just waiting for you to come along and say hi!
Mrs Haven and her trail pixies have been very busy cutting back the grass, spraying and opening up the trail corridor and otherwise keeping pesky spring growth at bay. On the positive side, the natives are all going nuts and our orchard is bearing enormous loads of yummy fruit.
But on to the photos…
The Big Berm saying “Hit Me!”
The Board Walk in the Skills Area saying “don’t be afraid of me…”
Fenceline being a temptress
This way or thaddaway?
More Fenceline!
Ali’s Track Passo del Stelvo aka Fat Ali’s Follly is going along at great guns. Ali has lovingly produced a map of his track with all 34 corners named. You can see the evidence of his loving in the following photos. We have cut all 34 corners, the rest of the track is pretty much at walking level and we are starting the process of updating the track to intermediate riding level as I type… We should would love a hand, this is the easy bit!
It’s all in the detail!
The Glorious Grand Entrance
Another highlight this month was hosting 150 odd Shirley Boys High School students who were doing an Outdoor Education camp in Purau. The weather wasn’t the best for them, but it sounds like they had a blast and they certainly haven’t done any damage to the sweet tracks at Haven. If you’ve got a posse of kids, we would love to have you play here – there is no cost.
Chicken Run – our very first Track!
On the cards in December is riding and digging, and we should be getting in a new digger to build a test track for us! Plus in the New Year, more digger action to finish a couple of tracks we have on the go at the mo.