Another month has zoomed by and lots of work has been completed.

The Muur has had it’s finishing touches completed and is seasoning for Winter in preparation for a Spring re-opening.

The Climb aka AliTrack has had a few corners touched up and a bit of work done and is still open for riding.

The Gold Valley Challenge has been finished and is seasoning for Winter in preparation for a Spring re-opening.

The Longest Cut has had both ends connected by Scott and his Little Yellow Digger from T5 Contracting, there is still a bit of finsihing work to be done but this should be open by Spring.

The Zephyr is seasoning well and we should be opening it soon, we just need to finish the two bridges.

Eagles Nest has had the berms reworked and finished and will be riding and rolling well soon.

I hope to be able to cut down the pesky pine that is blocking AYUNC Track soon.

The rest of the tracks are looking and riding well, we will get in and spray the remaining tracks soon so that spring growth will be well under control.

Ali is working hard on his new track From Wood to Sky and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is finished by Spring also, he has a few more tracks in his repertoire as well!

We will be planting a whole bunch of natives on the Eagles Nest in the next month or so.

Come out and lend a hand or just check out the trails.

And a few piccys from the work on the Longest Cut


May your wheels remain ever true
Mr Haven

June Update